Automated Excel projects
Mass marking-up of Excel documents
What to know
- Blackout provides the ability to redact and highlight Excel documents in bulk, utilizing terms, phrases, and regular expressions.
- Excel projects are a configurable way to target specific documents and locate content that must be marked up based on case needs.
- When setting the Word/Phrase rules for the project, either in the project itself or through a CSV template, wildcards and dtSearch are not supported.
- If redact all headers and footers, redact all objects, or redact all comments is selected, no other rules are needed to run the project. Additionally, when these options are selected, every document in the saved search will be checked and redacted for the selected markup set.
- CSV Support
- CSVs included in a saved search will be processed by Spreadsheet projects using this saved search.
- Any rules with unsupported markup styles (e.g., white redactions, black redactions) will use the configured fallback text to place a text redaction on the CSV. The fallback text can be modified when creating or editing a project.
- CSV files do not support native highlights. If a Blackout Spreadsheet Project rule has a markup type of highlight and hits on content within a CSV, the CSV will appear in the document warnings, and remain unmodified.
How to do it
- Log into Relativity as a System Administrator or a user who has access to the Blackout Projects tab.
- Navigate to Blackout | Projects.
- Click Create New Project.
- Select Spreadsheet.
- Fill out the project form using the details below.
- Click Create.
- A form will be displayed that is used to define how the project will function when running. The following fields make up the form:
Field | Description |
Project Name | An identifier for the project making it easy to refer to or for others to find |
Saved Search | The document source. All actions will be performed against these documents. |
Markup Set | The markup set that the markups will be associated with. |
Redact all headers and footers | Selecting this option will replace all content in all headers and footers with the default redaction text across a document set. This option is run accross all documents within the selected markup set.
Redact all Excel objects | Selecting this option will place a black box redaction in front of all objects on the document set. This option is run accross all documents within the selected markup set. Note: This option can be selected and run through a project without the need to add any other rules to the project. |
Redact all comments | Selecting this option will redact all comments in full or, if 'Replace comment text' is selected, will replace the comments with the desired redaction text. This option is run accross all documents within the selected markup set. ![]() Note: This option can be selected and run through a project without the need to add any other rules to the project. |
Ignore certain rows or columns | When selecting this option, two additional fields are displayed where a comma-separated list of rows and columns can be identified that will remain unredacted throughout the project, even if there are matches or a rule that would include those locations.
Rules | The rules are what drives the project.
Redact | Redaction rules will result in removing the content from the document and replacing it with a black, white, or text redaction. |
Highlight | Highlight rules will result in changing the foreground color of the matched content with a selected color. |
Inverse | Inverse rules are similar to redaction rules. They search the content from the document like a redaction rule; however, instead of redacting it, it will redact all content not matched by that rule.
Markup Reason | A simple message that can be associated with the markups made by the rule group. It can be reviewed using the Blackout reports. This field is not required to run the project. |
Markup Scope | Defines the behavior of the project when placing a redaction, highlight, or inverse redaction.
Markup SubType | Specifies whether to place a Black , White , or Text markup.
Word/Phrase | 'Word/Phrase' are the words, phrases, and text that will be marked up across the document set.
Regex | Regular expressions can be used to identify important patterns like email addresses, social security numbers, credit card numbers, and any other content that may appear regularly throughout the document set that constitutes sensitive information.
dtSearch | dtSearch includes special characters and other operators that you can use to define search criteria.
Fallback Text | When a markup style is configured to place a redaction in a location where that style is not supported the Fallback Text Will be Applied |
Uploading rules from CSV
What to know
- After successfully creating the spreadsheet project, rules can be added via uploading a CSV template.
- Blackout can support up to 100,000 rules being created via CSV.
- Extra rules mean each doc takes a little longer to process as the Excel content needs to be checked for each rule.
The CSV template and explanation of the columns can be downloaded from the Milyli Support Center.
How to do it
- From the project view screen, click the Upload rules CSV button.
- Navigate to the completed CSV.
- Click the upload icon.
Note: If the CSV file is valid, the rules will be created and the button will display how many rules are in the project.
Running a Spreadsheet project
What to know
- When a project is in a valid state to run, with a name, saved search, markup set, and rules, the status message of the project view screen will display that it is ready to run.
How to do it
- After creating the project, click the Run button.
- Once the project begins running, the project will be queued and then start being processed by Blackout.
- After the project completes, a results page displays information about the completed work and provides a launchpad for further quality review.
While the project is running
Status | Description | |
Project queued | The project enters the queued state letting the Blackout agent know to start working on the documents | |
Documents prepared | The number of documents that have been distributed to the system as tasks for markup review | |
Documents completed | The number of documents that have completed markup review which can result in markups being placed if there are rules matches | |
Progress bar | Displays the number of actions completed for preparation and review.
| |
Time elapsed | The total time the project has processed | |
Current activity | The current activities that the Blackout agent is performing which include preparation, reviewing, and marking up.
| |
Stop | Begins the stop operation which will cancel all unfinished work for the project.
When the project is completed
Title | Description |
Documents marked up | The total number of documents that have had markups placed on them by Blackout using the rules from this run.
Markups placed | The total number of markups that have been placed, both redactions and highlights, by Blackout using the rules from this run.
Documents with warnings | The number of documents that encountered a non-project breaking warning.
History | Projects are, by design, incremental. After the project has run, clicking the Run button again will queue the project up again and process any new documents in the document source. As a result, the history section will show the work that the project has performed and the results of said work. |
Reverting a Spreadsheet project
What to know
- Occasionally the markups created by a spreadsheet project may need to be reverted. This need may arise when rules need to be modified or a case settles.
How to do it
- From the project view screen, click the Revert button.
- A dialogue will appear; confirm reverting the project.
- The project will be queued.
- The Blackout agent will pick it up and begin reverting the documents marked up by the project.
- A progress bar will display how many documents have been reverted.