Frequently Asked Questions
BCE - Frequently Asked Questions
What are the exam requirements and suggestions?
- When registering, a company-provided email, from whom you are using Blackout with, must be used. If this is not provided, certification will not be possible.
- Must pass with an 85% or more. Anything lower will not be considered a passing score.
- Must be a current Blackout user whose company is currently licensed to use Blackout.
- Your exam should be completed within two (2) business weeks from the time of completing registration.
What is a BCE holder?
A user who comepletes the BCE is a "subject matter expert" for the organization who owns or uses Blackout. The exam covers all the fundamental knowledge required to operate Blackout manual native redactions and automated projects.
Why should you take the BCE?
You'll make your job easier to do. In the process of studying for the exam, you'll learn all the technical information for using Blackout as an expert. With the confidence of knowing the software's functionality deeply, you'll be inspired to try new, more effective or efficient workflows.
Certifications are proven to help people advance their careers, increase their professional credibility, and expand their professional networks. Position yourself as a valuable asset to your organization.
Who should take the BCE?
Current Blackout users who are functioning as their team's Blackout administrator or Blackout redaction workflow team lead. Taking and passing this exam will prepare you for your first case, or your tenth. We recommend everyone take the exam since it is free and is designed to thoroughly immerse you in the tool at both the feature level, but also with use case questions.
How can you take it?
If you'd like to get your hands on the exam, you can click here to regsiter now! When registering, you must use the business email associated to your Relativity/Blackout account or provider. We'll send you the link to register for the certification. After that, your registration and eligibility will be reviewed and we will reach out using the ticket that was opened.
How much does it cost?
The best part of the BCE is that it is free of charge!
What version of Blackout is it based on?
The BCE is currently based on Blackout 5.0.
How many questions are on the exam?
There are 64 questions. They are made up of multiple-choice, true or false, term matching, and yes or no questions.
How long will it take to complete? Is the exam timed?
The exam will take about 35 - 60 minutes to complete and is not timed.
Can I save my progress and continue the exam later?
At this time, this is not something that is possible. We recommend choosing a time to take the exam when you are able to complete it in full.
If I don't pass the first time, is there a limit to the number of times the exam can be taken?
There is no limit to the number of times the exam may be taken.
What happens after I take the exam?
After taking the exam, we will review the score and reach out to you with the results within 7 business days.
Does the certification expire?
The BCE certification is good for one calendar year from the time of certification. After the certification expires, a recertificaiton will be required.
How should I study?
"Do your homework." – Jeffrey Levinson, Milyli Account Manager Lead
You can prepare with the resources in our support center. Start by reading through the Blackout user guide.
We know it can be a chore to read technical documentation, but we hope we've kept it as easy-to-consume as possible. Plus, the new format is set up with easier-than-ever left rail navigation to track your progress.
"Play in the sandbox." - Cooper Legg, Milyli Senior Customer Advocate
We also recommend spending some time in a test workspace.
Play around with Blackout. Run some test workflows on different document types. If it's a test case, you can't break it.
Not sure what to do? Try replicating something you see in one of our brand new support videos.
"Raise your hand if you need help." - Trent Brouillette, Milyli Director of Customer Advocacy
If there is any way we can help you prepare, let us know. It's really why we're here – to help you use Blackout better. This exam will help you do that.